Daniel Ventura's 8 Week New Year Body Transformation Plan


The 8-week body transformation plan designed to make you the leanest, strongest version of yourselves. These workouts, designed by WBFF UK Champion, Daniel Ventura, are all about tough sessions, split days to max out muscle growth and shred fat.

Muscle Workout Plan

Day 1
promixx Chest workout
Big Chest Workout

Day 2
PROMiXX Leg Workout
Big Leg Workout

Day 3
Rest Day

Day 4
promixx shoulder workout
Boulder Shoulder Workout

Day 5
promixx arm workout
Killer Arm Workout

Day 6
promixx back attack workout
Ultimate Back Workout

Day 7
Rest Day


Daniel Ventura's Ripped Abs Workout
Perform this this quick abs circuit 3 - 4 times a week to achieve the ripped abs physique.

Shred Fat & Build Muscle - Nutrition Advice
PROMiXX® talks to WBFF Pro, Daniel Ventura and finds out how to eat like a champion physique model. Dan explains what the ketogenic diet is, why he's been following it for the last 20 years and how it has helped him transform his body.


Muscle Building Supplementation Advice
Find out what muscle building supplements are key to WBFF Pro Champion, Daniel Ventura, in the run up to his WBFF fitness model competitions. This is his personal muscle building supplementation plan, with timings, quantities and frequencies.

Champion Workout Advice
Find out in this exclusive PROMiXX® interview how WBFF Pro Worlds athlete, Daniel Ventura, built and sculpted his championship physique. Dan reveals his training plan structure, his body part breakdown, his sets, his reps, his rest times, his cardio choice, his training philosophy and what he believes is the most important muscle group to train.