Daniel Ventura's 8 Week New Year Body Transformation Plan Sign Up

It's here. The 8-week body transformation plan designed to make you the leanest, strongest version of yourselves. These workouts, designed by WBFF UK Champion, Daniel Ventura, are all about tough sessions, split days to max out muscle growth and shred fat. Are you ready to transform your body for 2018?



56 Days of Workouts
5 Intense Workouts per Week | 45-60 min Workouts
Be challenged by new exercises and unique techniques, all designed to shred body fat and build some serious muscle.

Full Video Tutorials for Each Muscle Workout
Emailed straight to Your Inbox Each Week
Daniel Ventura leads you through each muscle workout with full instructional videos, displaying full techniques, set ranges and rep ranges.


Nutritional & Supplementation Advice
Recommended Timings & Doses
Combining an explosive workout plan with an airtight nutritional and supplementation plan will lead to the incredible results you are after.

Completely FREE Plan from Daniel Ventura
WBFF Pro | Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
PROMiXX have teamed up with Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer & Nutritionist, WBFF Pro and UKBFF Champion, Daniel Ventura to bring you the ultimate new year body transformation plan.