PROMiXX Suicide Circuit

PROMiXX Suicide Circuit HiiT Hell

Scroll down to see the epic battle video

It's not often you get to ruin the day of 2 fitness YouTubers, we invited both Mike Thurston & MattDoesFitness over to test out our exclusive high end gym.

They thought they were just going to lift heavy weights and make some cool video content....

However, we had something entirely different in mind.

Welcome to the PROMiXXSuicideCircuit.

A HiiT workout like no other.

Simply put, the circuit is a Killer.

  • 10 Pullups 
  • 10 burpee box jumps 
  • 10 shoulder press (half bodyweight)
  • 20 lunges (again half body weight) 
  • 20 calories burnt on Assault Bike 
  • 50 meter sled push 
  • 10 meter sled pull

Easy hey!!!

Well, it might look easy on paper... Check the video below to see exactly how our 2 fitness fanatics faired and who, JUST, got the top spot


Did you guess right?

It's fair to say both Mike and Matt weren't up for having another go on the same day, something about wanting to get back and create some content.

If you haven't seen them before, check them out, subscribe, like and comment on your favourite videos. 

Mike Thurston's awesome physique training tutorials and tips can be found on:

MattDoesFitness also puts out content at a rate of knots, you can find him here:

Checkout the dedicated website, where will be releasing the latest videos, offers and of course keeping tabs on whose reigning at that infamous top spot!

Promixx Suicide Circuit Website

Now it's over to you!

Who would you like to see compete next?

Share this link on social & tag the name of the fitness personality you'd love to see include in your message #promixxsuicidecircuit

If your celeb comes to PROMiXX HQ & you get pulled from the hat, you'll be in with the chance to win a full set of PROMiXX Mixers, in every colour!

Don't forget to comment and tag your choice on social with #promixxsuicidecircuit