If you're looking to sculpt your shoulders into beastly boulders, then this workout out is for you. Ben Ellis, our in-house PT, has put together this quick shoulder workout that is sure to leave your muscles burning for hours afterwards.
1A: Lateral Shoulder Raises
3 Sets / 15 Reps / Tempo 2:2
With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat.
1B: Front Raises
3 Sets / 15 Reps / Tempo 2:2 / 60-120 Sec Rest
Raise barbell forward and upward until upper arms are above horizontal. Lower and repeat
2A: Military Press
3 Sets / 15 Reps / Tempo 2:2
Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.
2B: Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs
3 Sets / 20 Reps / Tempo 2:2 / 60-120 Sec Rest
Lift the dumbbells by elevating the shoulders as high as possible while you exhale. Hold the contraction at the top for a second. Lower the dumbbells back to the original position. Repeat.
3A: Bent Over Lateral Raises
3 Sets / 15 Reps / Tempo 2:2
Bend at the hips at 20 degress. Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.
3B: Upright Row With Bar
3 Sets / 15 Reps / Tempo 2:2 / 60-120 secs Rest
Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.
4: Dumbbell Shoulder Press
1 Set / 50 Reps / Tempo 2:2
Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to sides of shoulders and repeat.